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'RAVE' Context: Read and Set Context of Environments


  spos = 2L,
  tpos = 1L,



context string for target environment, optional, see `Details'


characters, (optional): required context for current function. If any context is missing, the function will raise errors


characters, (optional): defines the contexts that don't work for the function. If running within such contexts, the function will raise errors


characters, (optional): if running in improper contexts, the message to display, will passed to stop


levels to go up to search for senv, passed to parent.frame


environment to read 'RAVE' contexts


levels to go up to search for tenv, passed to parent.frame


environment to set 'RAVE' contexts


A list of current context, including the package name, module ID, and current ExecEnvir instance if running under "rave_running" context.


Context strings tells the function which context it's running, and it will affect the behaviors of functions within its environment. Because 'RAVE' modules are usually R packages, the context strings help the module writers determine where the function is running. For example, running locally, or in 'RAVE' container, or debug mode. A typical example would be get_path function. All external scripts used in R packages require to be obtained using system.file. However, because the files are subject to change, using system file function requires re-compile the package, which is time-consuming. Function get_path returns the file path relative to current working directory during the development (in "default" context), and it calls system.file when 'RAVE' instance is running.

There are four contexts: "default", "rave_module_debug", "rave_running", and "rave_running_local".


Default context: this means the function is running without any additional information.


Debug mode: used to develop and debug modules locally. Under the context, the function will be aware of the package that module belongs to


If the function is running under this context, this means it's running inside of shiny application (usually within start_rave). The function will be able to get more contexts such as module ID, and current runtime environment (ExecEnvir)


Similar to "rave_running", but without run-time environment. Under this context, the module is running locally without shiny. All reactive observers are disabled, and the modules will be compiled into a function with all the inputs defined by define_input as arguments, and code within "main.R" as the main body of the function.

Function rave_context uses reserved variables in the environment: .__rave_context__., .__rave_package__., .__rave_module__., and .__rave_module_instance__.. Please don't use these variables for other purposes. See `Examples' for how to set and read the context.


# ------- 1. Read/Set Context ---------

# Reset context for current environment

# Read from current caller's environment
fun <- function(...){
  ctx <- rave_context()
  cat2('The function is running under context - ', ctx$context)
  cat2('The package under the context - ', ctx$package)
  cat2('Module ID is - ', ctx$module_id)
  cat2('Running instance is - ', ctx$instance)
#> The function is running under context -  default 
#> The package under the context -   
#> Module ID is -   
#> Running instance is -  
## The function is running under context - default
## The package under the context - 
## ...

# Set debug context 
debug_env <- new.env()
rave_context('rave_module_debug', tenv = debug_env)
debug_env$.__rave_package__. <- 'ravebuiltins'

# With debug_env, the function is aware of the package it's under
with(debug_env, { fun() })
#> The function is running under context -  rave_module_debug 
#> The package under the context -  ravebuiltins 
#> Module ID is -   
#> Running instance is -  
## The function is running under context - rave_module_debug
## The package under the context - ravebuiltins
## ...

# To set context within the function and affect the functions inide
fun2 <- function(module_id){
  # Run rave_context and then set module ID
  .__rave_module__. <- module_id
with(debug_env, { fun2('power_explorer') })
#> The function is running under context -  rave_running_local 
#> The package under the context -  ravebuiltins 
#> Module ID is -  power_explorer 
#> Running instance is -  
## The function is running under context - rave_running_local
## The package under the context - ravebuiltins
## Module ID is - power_explorer
## ...

# Let's see what we can do with rave_module_debug
with(debug_env, { get_path('inst/rave.yaml') })
# When I develop the package, it returns:
## "/Users/beauchamplab/.../ravebuiltins/inst/settings.yaml"
# When I run in other places, it returns
## "/Users/beauchamplab/Library/R/3.6/library/ravebuiltins/rave.yaml"

# ------- 2. Setting behaviors for context ---------
# One way to set different behaviors is to using `ctx`
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
fun <- function(){
  ctx <- rave_context()
  switch(ctx$context, ...)
} # }

# The other way is to use S3 generics provided by R syntax
fun <- rave_context_generics('fun', function(module_id, ...){})

# action for default
fun.default <- function(...){
  cat2('Function is not supposed to run under default context...',
       level = 'ERROR')

# for debug, set module ID and run with rave_running_local
fun.rave_module_debug <- function(module_id, ...){
  cat2('Debug mode... loading a test subject')
  # Do something ... like automatically mount_demo_subject
  # by running mount_demo_subject()
  .__rave_module__. <- module_id
  # Recall the function under rave_running_local context
  fun(module_id, ...)

# When running within RAVE container, local and with shiny
fun.rave_running_local <- function(...){
  ctx <- rave_context()
  cat2('Yay, running ', ctx$module_id, ' under context ',
       ctx$context, level='INFO')
fun.rave_running <- fun.rave_running_local

# Run in default mode, expect error message
#> Function is not supposed to run under default context... 

# Run in debug mode
debug_env <- new.env()
rave_context('rave_module_debug', tenv = debug_env)
debug_env$.__rave_package__. <- 'ravebuiltins'

# The function will run in debug mode, then rave_running_local
with(debug_env, { fun('power_explorer') })
#> Debug mode... loading a test subject 
#> Yay, running  power_explorer  under context  rave_running_local