Use this function only for examples and test. The goal is to comply with the 'CRAN' policy. Do not use it in normal functions to cheat. Violating 'CRAN' policy will introduce instability to your code. Make sure reading Section 'Details' before using this function.
According to 'CRAN' policy, package examples and test functions may only
use maximum 2 'CPU' cores. Examples running too long should be suppressed.
Normally package developers will use interactive()
to avoid running
examples or parallel code on 'CRAN'. However, when checked locally, these
examples will be skipped too. Coding bug in those examples will not be
The objective is to allow 'RAVE' package developers to write and test examples locally or on integrated development environment (such as 'Github'), while suppressing them on 'CRAN'. In such way, bugs in the examples will be revealed and fixed promptly.
Do not use this function inside of the package functions to cheat or slip illegal code under the eyes of 'CRAN' folks. This will increase their work load and introduce instability to your code. Also this function is subject to deletion in the future.